WHO Poll

chim chim cha boo 11:13 Fri Jul 16
God damn it, I've got covid.
I'm in the shielding group and had my vaccine months ago because I have to inject a bio-drug for my arthritis.

I have been SO fucking careful and fastidious to the point where my brother (in my bubble) thinks I'm OCD. As I explained to him, it's because I kind of enjoy living.

This week I've been out 4 times. Once to Highgate cemetery (maybe I should have stayed there?) to take some pictures, twice to the gym (where I very carefully wash the machines down before and after using them) and once for a walk to the West End via Regent's Park.

On the way home from the walk TWO dirty cunts more or less coughed in my face which prompted me to say 'oi you dirty cunt, what are you fucking doing'?

They scurried away without saying anything and my missus hates me causing a scene so I left it at that.

For the last couple of days I've a (bit of a) chesty cough and vomited a couple of times. I've had the sweats too and felt like I didn't have much energy.

It hasn't even been THAT bad because I was contemplating going to the gym tonight to try and sweat it out.

Anyway, missus said I ought to do a covid test as I've got loads from the chemist who virtually throws them at me and it came up positive within 30 seconds. I waited an hour, did another one and the same thing happened.

Mrs Chim did one and it's negative but she's as fit as fuck and eight years younger than me so I sent her out to Morrisons before it all comes on top.

So, 55 years old, compromised immune system arthritis and portal hypertension but still takes a load of opioid medicine and puts a shift in at the gym Vs the delta variant. I'm expecting a WHO sweepstake.

Put me down for next Tuesday at about 4PM. If I win I want a nice wreath in claret and blue.

I'll keep you posted.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Darby_ 7:28 Thu Jul 29
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Classic Chips.

Hammer Oz 6:45 Thu Jul 29
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
You have a cold - big deal

Alfs 5:30 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Good to hear, Chim. You can get on with your Triathlon training now.

Bottle of wine with dinner
Few pints down the local
A sneaky whiskey to help with the sleep.

chim chim cha boo 4:29 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Anyway Manny, the floor is yours if you want to tell a more interesting story though so fill your boots.

chim chim cha boo 4:28 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Sorry Manny, I should never have posted up what it's like to have caught the pandemic and my personal experiences of it, should I?

It's great that I get an illness that could have killed me and you're STILL jealous that I might be more interesting than you.

Darby_ 4:27 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
I don’t think anyone wants to hear about what you do in gay saunas, Soldo.

Northern Sold 4:23 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
I had a nice doctor fiddle with my prostate today... fucking lovely it was.... was thinking of starting a thread about it but here seems a nice place to put it.... oh 100% shit on his hand...

Manuel 4:09 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Fuck me, this is STILL going?!

chim chim cha boo 3:54 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
No Alfs I DID have Covid and eventually the fact that I was vaccinated made it go away within a couple of really dodgy weeks and now it's just a chest infection that I am left with, as Covid testing is coming back negative.

Alfs 3:19 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
So after all this, Chim DOESN'T have Covid? I'm confused.

gph 1:22 Wed Jul 28
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
I once saw two very fat people call each other fat over a whole half hour bus journey. And they were angry, not joking.

Obviously, when they looked at each other, they saw the reality, when they looked in the mirror they saw a gazelle.

The exchange below does NOT rule out BRANDED being Cyril Smith's fatter brother.

Golden Oldiе 10:47 Tue Jul 27
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Well done. You've gotten over a cold. Keep us all updated on your sniffles.

zico 5:34 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Good news Chim, keep improving.

BRANDED 5:23 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Keep yourself well Chim. Dont overdo it.

riosleftsock 5:03 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Good news Chim! Pleased to hear it.

ray winstone 4:53 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
chim chim cha boo 4:43 Mon Jul 26

Good news mate, keep safe.

chim chim cha boo 4:51 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Here's all the perspective that you need to know about Branded though.

Got my first jab on the 3rd February and my second on the 26th of March and he's speculating that the jab might have given me Covid in July!

Confirmation bias of the highest order.

Anyway, why waste energy arguing with a zealot? I'm off OUT!

chim chim cha boo 4:43 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Ray, sorry but my covid test just came back negative.

I guess that doesn't necessarily guarantee that she won't be on Tinder though, I just won't know until I get a nasty rash!

ray winstone 4:37 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
chim chim cha boo 1:52 Mon Jul 26

Does this mean Mrs Chim won't be on Tinder then?

Too Much Too Young 4:34 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Leonard Hatred 3:20 Mon Jul 26

Lee Trundle 4:32 Mon Jul 26
Re: God damn it, I've got covid.
Being accused of being fat when you're not, has got to be the single worst put down on this site, I reckon.

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